Wednesday, December 3, 2008


George W. Bush in one of his final acts as president signed the child safe viewing act, which will essentially allow parents to have a wider range of censorship over a childs computer. "The new law requires the FCC to issue a notice of inquiry to examine what advanced content-blocking technologies are available for various communication devices and platforms. It also calls for the FCC to consider how to encourage the development and use of such technologies without affecting content providers' pricing or packaging.(C Net News, 1)" Essentially it seems that America is leaning towards the approach of allowing elders to have more of a profound impact over their child's life. The problem with censorship is the idea that it will gain way for the government to begin using this power over the people of America. As one can see with China and the mass incarceration to any Pro-Tibet supporter this is not how a democratic land should govern or live. Sure there are many reasons as to why it would be good for adults to censor their child's devices such as smart phone or computer, but allowing any type of this entity can only be so good for so long. It will cause massive law suits and in the end will allow the government to gain more power over the first amendment to the US constitution.

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