Monday, October 6, 2008

You Tube and Congress

I recently read an article on BNA's Internet Law News and it was related to the recent decision on the dilemma of whether or not congressman can post on YouTube. It will essentially be the first time government officials will be able to post outside of the .gov domain realm. It seems as if this will allow too much leniancy with what will be allowed to be posted by these officials anywhere else in the cyber world. I do agree though that allowing videos on youtube will make it so anyone can access debates or speeches to help further their knowledge with regards to the election that is coming up. Another problem I forsee is internet hackers are going to change speeches or debates through illegal computer programming that will cause for the idea of not knowing whats real and not. Before this bill passed it was widely known that congressman were not able to post this way and one would know that many of the videos can be seen as a farse or a joke. Regardless of the situation it needs to become aware what is real and not through various government seals or some type of firewall system. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying, "a significant step forward toward bringing House rules into the multimedia age and allowing for members to effectively communicate with their constituents online."I agree completely with this statement and in an ideal world it sounds great, but realisitcally speaking it doesnt seem as if this is going to work as well as planned and it could cause controversy and the idea of not knowing what to believe. The link for this article is:

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