Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Upon reading the articles about facebook, it is tough to believe that people still use this website for certain things. I personally have an account but really only use it as a way to communicate with friends from high school or college friends when i am at home. It is just mind boggling that even with all of the terms and services that facebook currently has, that anyone would actually post pictures degrading themselves on it. I cant even begin to tell of the amounts of friends doing illegal or dumb things on facebook and in all honesty dont understand as to why this is wrong or dumb. First of all its never a good idea to put anything with much magnitude on the interent just to be safe but putting pictures of yourself half naked, smoking a ciggerette, while drunk at a fraternity party is the easiest way for an employer to decide to not hire you.

Another aspect that really bothers me about facebook is the idea that they essentially own the rights to anything put on the site. I heard a story from a secondary source telling of his friends band posted there music on facebook's competitors site, myspace, and myspace actually began selling there music and according to the terms and services this was legal. This is extremly bothersome and almost was the causation of deleting my account on facebook. Facebook's other problem is it is the easiest way to stalk someone you know. You can look at their pictures, information, and other things of value and this especially occurs when your a freshman and meet random people, and than become facebook friends and than they have open access to many of your personal info. All in all the world would be a better place without facebook or myspace or really any site of the sort.

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